Ana Johnson, Ph.D.
I am a Professor in Public Health Sciences, and I have always been interested in the uncertainties in life. I have even conducted some work in measuring uncertainty in my academic life. It is first and foremost the writing and freedom of speech that have attracted me to academia, as well as the possibility to make a difference through writing. In my field, in public health sciences, this means reaching community based organizations, granting agencies, and government entities alike, as well as students, in shaping their future as change makers.
In my personal life, I have been interested in symbolism as another type of language for communication. From an early age, I was exposed to Greek mythology, and at ten, I was gifted the book, "Man and his Symbols", by Carl Jung. At sixteen, I was exposed to "Essay on the Freedom of Will", by Arthur Schopenhauer. Within the realm of creative writing, I am interested in exposing humanity's deepest wishes and desires in the quest for happiness.