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Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a time tested traditional Chinese practice used to improve health and overall well-being. See below for tips and evidence. 


Feng Shui Tips

  1. Place your bed in a central position within your bedroom. 

  2. Avoid placing mirrors in your bedroom and directly in front of your bed. 

  3. Limit electronic screens in the bedroom. 

  4. Declutter your overall space and inside your spaces, including cupboards, pantries, closets, and drawers. 

  5. Clean your windows regularly to ensure the sun's light and energy can fill your spaces appropriately.

  6. Ensure that there is nothing blocking your doors from opening fully as this welcomes energy and opportunities into your life. 

  7. Decorate certain spaces indoors with houseplants to bring in natural energy and vitality. 

  8. Incorporate items that inspire you within your space. This can include cookbooks in your kitchen, music, and pictures of loved ones. 

Feng Shui Evidence

1. Improved Mood 

Feng Shui used to enhance bedroom arrangements has been found to improve sleep quality and efficiency, reduce stress, and improve overall satisfaction with the bedroom environment (Hong, 2018; Kryzanowski, 2021).  

2. Reduced Stress

Feng Shui has been found to reduce levels of stress by reducing exposure to identified geopathic stress zones that emit radiation due to disruptions in the earth’s electromagnetic field (Manickam, 2018).

3. Improved Quality of Life

Women whose homes were designed following Feng Shui principles were found to have a higher quality of life than those who did not (ELToukhy, 2021). 


ELToukhy, N. S. (2021). Compatibility of house design with Fung Shui and its relationship to housewife’s life quality. International Design Journal, 11(2), 57–77. /idj.2021.151962

Hong, W. T. (2018). Bedroom layout based on Feng Shui conception for sleep quality improvement: Case study of young female adults in Malaysia / Hong Wan Thing [Phd, University of Malaya].

Kryžanowski, Š. (2021). Impact of Feng Shui Bedrooms on Self-Assessed Sleep and Well-Being: A Randomized Double-Blind Field Research with Instrumental Biocommunication. South East European Journal of Architecture and Design, 2021, 1–8. /seejad.2021.10057

Manickam, S. (2018). Potential Impact of Geopathic Radiation on Environment and Health. Current World Environment, Volume 13 (Special-issue-Environmental Impact and Assessment (2018)). health

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